Formerly known as Blessing Manifesting and created by Dominee Calderon, Self-Love Rainbow is an online platform promoting self-care, self-love, and Mental Health awareness. The website and store offer a...
I took this free masterclass to understand why anxiety is high in Highly Sensitive People (HSPs). Julie Bjelland – a Psychotherapist specializing in High Sensitivity and the creator of the Sensitive...
May 26, 2022
17 Simple Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health in 2023 (as a Highly Sensitive Person)
The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines mental health as the state of well-being in which an individual: And contrary to popular belief, mental health is not just the absence...
In Psychotherapy and The Highly Sensitive Person, Dr. Elaine Aron says this about high sensitivity: Individuals display this trait mainly if they had a troubled childhood, which makes them...